One book filled with 500 different cupcake recipes. A year and five months to bake them all. And then there's me, Jill, age 20, and a full time student. What am I getting myself into? Though this project won't commence until August, I'll still be working at my summer job and after that ends, well, it's right back off to school for me. How on earth am I going to find time to do this? Trust me, I'm just as curious as you are to see how I am going to pull this off. But for now, I can relax; the timer doesn't start for at least a month so hopefully when that day comes, I'll have pulled together some form of plan. In the mean time, let me answer some questions.
Why cupcakes? Well why not? Cupcakes can be simple or complex, can be baked with a purpose or none at all, and are, in my opinion, a dessert that makes one happy. Though I have only recently realized my love of cooking and baking, cupcakes are something that I have always enjoyed. Its not that they are relatively easy to make, it because of the fun that goes into making them.
Why that book? True, I could have selected any cupcake guide, but I like the way 500 Cupcakes By Fergal Connolly is put together. None of his recipes are too pretentious or try to be more complicated than necessary. Additionally, for each recipe he offers three variations. Not only will this make the challenge more interesting, I get to use ingredients I have never used before.
Why now? When I was 16 I taught myself how to knit. Three years later, I taught myself how to crochet. This past year, my sophomore year at Clark University, I began baking. Despite having the interest in cooking and baking, I haven't always had the patience for it. Sure, I'd help my mother in the kitchen, but I'd always walk away whenever we reached the part of the recipe that didn't involve cleaning the bowl. But this summer, something has changed. Everyday I'm online looking at various food blogs for recipes and inspirations. In my mind, I entertain the thought of being the girl in my suite this coming year that cooks dinner once a month. Upon receiving this cupcake book the idea of baking, or trying to, hatched itself into my mind. Considering the crazy year I have ahead of me, a challenge is a challenge and I love trying to prove myself wrong. And besides, if I fail to reach my quota, at least me and bunch of other Clarkies will get to eat some delicious cupcakes. That looks like a win win situation to me. But in all honesty, whether or not I complete this challenge, I know that I will have become a better baker in the process and have the support of my family and friends.
The challenge will begin soon, so wish me luck!
Do it up!