Now, with my resolve restored, I anxiously await tomorrow for might possibly be either A. my finest moment, or B. something that I will look back upon and wonder what was I thinking.
On a completely different note, my computer came home today! Its all new looking and runs without a problem. But let me tell you, these past few days without my own personal computer made me reflect back on the days in which the only computer I had access to was the one in my parents room. Talk about inconvenient. Not only did I have to share it with other people, but as soon as my parents said it was time for bed, I was booted off and left with very few things to do. This time around, I had to share my dad's computer. Things didn't turn out so well. I think the most I ever spent on it was two hours, the rest would just be enough time to check my email and the weather. On the positive end of things, being computer-less allowed me to get back to an earlier summer project of mine: crocheting hats. All I need is a season of West Wing and I can crochet for hours. At the rate I'm going, I should be done in the next two days. I'm crossing my fingers that my next project will be to make a little stuffed animal of some kind, though I need to find a pattern that I can understand. Additionally, I'm attempting to crochet a matching scarf to my hat, but the I think the pattern book I'm using has a mistake or something. If anyone knows anything about crochet please let me know. I could really use the help.
Anyway, I'm going to say good-night considering the big day that awaits me tomorrow. Let the baking begin!
There ya go; just gotta keep up your inspiration! And don't ever be hard on yourself during the cupcake project. You got this.