Now no one can complain that they couldn't find it.
The theme of yesterday's baking was s'mores and I must say, that this was the most challenging recipe to date. This one recipe, one
Unfortunately, the graham cracker bit was easy pickings compared to what came next. Oh dear, I wonder where I should start? I think I will start with the batter. In case you haven't read any of my previous posts, I have had issues with the moistness of my cupcake batter. So of course when I saw that I was going to add a cup of boiling water I was certain that this would be the answer to my dry batter problems. Naturally, this observation turned into a nightmare when, after adding the water, the batter turned into a giant chocolate puddle; no joke. Just the idea of pouring the batter into the cupcake pan filled me with dread.
Sadly I stopped taking pictures believing that this was going to turn out to be my first ever baking disaster. Ok. Second.
Of course, pouring the better did indeed produce a mess, covering the pans with chocolate goop. Looking back on it now, I can say that this is when I made my first mistake. I should have headed the advice of the blogger who posted this recipe and listened when she said fill them up 3/4s full. You can guess that I didn't. Irony came and bit me in the butt with full force when I eagerly peered into the oven to see how the cupcakes were coming along. The things had expanded so much, that I could hardly see any of the metal on the pans; everything was coated in chocolate cupcake batter. To make matters worse, they looked far from done. The required time passed and I did the toothpick test and obviously they came out covered in chocolate batter. Add another three minutes. Still not done. Two more additional minutes and I was getting nervous. They looked unfinished, but I could tell they were beginning to burn. With no choice left, I took them out and let them cool. At the time I thought that that was going to be the worse part. Boy was I wrong.
Have you ever tried to make your own marshmallow frosting? Well, here's a fun fact that I didn't know until after the fact: Egg whites will stiffen eventually if you just keep beating them. However, and this is a big however, if you get so much as a little bit of yolk in the egg whites, noting is going to happen. Nada, zip. Nothing. As I have previously stated, I didn't know this while I was actually trying to make it. Reflecting on it now, I think that perhaps that the egg white/yolk thing wasn't the only thing that led to my oncoming down fall. I needed to heat the egg whites with sugar and cream of tartar in a double boiler until it reached 160 degrees F. Sadly, I don't have a thermometer to check that. Now can you see where things might have started to go wrong?
Well, after mixing it for a good forty-five minutes, I called a co-worker who is almost like a baking confidant of mine, and asked her for her opinion. Insert lesson about egg whites here.
Considering the length of this post, I will post the recipe late today. However, I just want to announce that I am taking a break next week. I will blog about something so don't forget to check in. And here, in case you weren't counting: 14 done, 486 to go.
Until next time,
Write in: mint chocolate cupcakes!
ReplyDeleteI have taken it into consideration and all I can say at this time is this: wait and see